To promote organized effort to restore families, children and individuals in need of care and protection to a normal life through carefully planned and executed measures, including relief, employment, legal and medical care and education.
To take part in community programs for social betterment, seeking, in counsel with other agencies, to lessen abuses in society that undermine the well-being of individuals and families.
To organize social, sport and other events to raise funds for assisting and supporting philanthropic, scientific and educational endeavors and causes designed to advance the well-being of mankind.
To provide needy and qualified young men and women of Italian heritage with opportunities and scholarships that will better prepare them to become the future leaders of industry, government, the professions and the church.
To advance the good image of Italian Americans everywhere; to promulgate their positive contributions in our Society; to maintain alive their pride of being a representative element of a civilization that has contributed and continues to contribute to the enlightenment of the human spirit.
To receive donations, legacies, devices and property of every kind and description for the benefit of the Association’s objectives and to spend the same as efficiently and beneficially as possible.